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    Magnetic Shot Die Pusher

    Magnetic holder with steel pusher made for shot dies (2 pieces)
    SKU: Magnetic SD Pusher
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    Availability: In stock (You'll have to log in to Facebook and join Potter People to view the video)

    Magnetic aluminum holder with steel pusher insert.

    PLEASE NOTE: Be sure to leave your steel upper platen in place when using this tool. Older-style presses have a tool hole in the center of the frame, and if you don't use the upper platen, the steel pusher will become stuck in the hole. We are not liable for damage to your press due to incorrect usage of this tool. (You'll have to log in to Facebook and join Potter People to view the video)

    Magnetic aluminum holder with steel pusher insert.

    PLEASE NOTE: Be sure to leave your steel upper platen in place when using this tool. Older-style presses have a tool hole in the center of the frame, and if you don't use the upper platen, the steel pusher will become stuck in the hole. We are not liable for damage to your press due to incorrect usage of this tool.

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